Poland: Stand Up for Railway Workers and Trade Union Rights at PKP Cargo

In partnership with European Transport Workers’ Federation, a pan-European trade union organisation which embraces transport trade unions from the European Union, the European Economic Area and Central and Eastern European countries. Today, the ETF represents more than 5 million transport workers from more than 200 transport unions and 38 European countries. These workers are found in all parts of the transport industry, on land, sea and in the air.

Labour rights in Poland are under serious threat. PKP Cargo S.A., one of the largest rail freight transport companies in the country, is undergoing restructuring and blatantly violating the laws, standards, and rights that protect trade union activity in Poland. The company discriminates against members of the „Solidarność“ Trade Union, unfairly targeting them for dismissal, including key representatives in both national and company-level structures of the union operating within the railway sector. This unprecedented and unlawful action by the PKP Cargo S.A. management undermines the fundamental principles of social dialogue between employers and employees, as represented by trade unions.

Among those being dismissed are pregnant women, single parents (including those caring for disabled children), sole breadwinners, and workers with pre-retirement protection. Such actions not only violate the core principles of social responsibility but also represent an inhumane and illegal attack on the most vulnerable and protected groups in society.

We need your help to send a clear message to PKP Cargo and the Polish government: Stop attacking workers' rights and engage in constructive dialogue with trade unions.

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bprm@kprm.gov.pl, kontakt@kprm.gov.pl, sekretariatDKlimczaka@mi.gov.pl, sekretariat.c@pkpcargo.com, sekretariat@pkp.pl, sekprez@solidarnosc.org.pl, branze@solidarnosc.org.pl, b.michalowska@tygodniksolidarnosc.com, ksk@ksk.org.pl