

In partnership with OS KOVO, IndustriAll Europe and IndustriALL Global Union. IndustriAll European Trade Union is a federation of independent and democratic trade unions representing manual and non-manual workers in the metal, chemical, energy, mining, textile, clothing and footwear sectors and related industries and activities. It speaks for 7 million working men and women united within 200 national trade union affiliates in 39 European countries. IndustriALL Global Union represents 50 million workers in 140 countries in the mining, energy and manufacturing sectors and is a force in global solidarity taking up the fight for better working conditions and trade union rights around the world.

俄斯特拉發自由鋼鐵公司 (Liberty Steel Ostrava )的工人處境危急。管理層於7月23日宣佈大規模裁員。目前約有5000人在公司工作。裁員可能會影響多達2,600人。其餘的工人對他們的命運知之甚少。這一令人震驚的消息是在自由鋼鐵公司於5月份因破產程序而停止支付俄斯特拉發自由鋼鐵工人的工資之後發佈的。該公司資不抵債,在支付通知期和被解雇工人的遣散費方面存在不確定性。7月29日,捷克共和國勞工局啟動了一項特別支持計劃,包括職業指導、再培訓和工資補貼,以幫助受到失業威脅的俄斯特拉發自由鋼鐵工人。捷克金屬工人聯合會( OS KOVO)、歐洲工業協會 (IndustriAll Europe) 和工業全球聯盟( IndustriALL Global Union )幾個月來一直積極為俄斯特拉發的工人尋找更好的結果,但沒有成功。現在是捷克政府、自由鋼鐵公司的債權人和歐盟委員會認真承擔起對勞工的責任的時候了。
