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Peru: Reinstate workers sacked for demanding protection from Covid-19
In partnership with UNI Commerce Global Union, part of UNI Global Union, a federation that represents more than 20 million workers in more than 150 countries, primarily employed in the service sector. UNI Commerce is one of the sectors of UNI Global Union that represents more than 160 trade unions and more than 4 million workers employed in retail and wholesale industry. |
UNI Commerce calls upon trade unions and workers worldwide to urge Falabella (a Chilean multinational home retailer) to reinstate 22 workers who have been dismissed for asking for better protection against Covid-19 in Peru. Following a temporary closure, the distribution centre of Falabella has been recently reopened in Peru. However, the company did not take necessary measures to protect workers from Covid-19. 22 workers used their legal right to refrain from work until precautions are properly placed. This action pushed the company to take better measures. The 22 workers returned to work; but the company dismissed all 22 workers without any compensation. While there are already at least 30 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the distribution centre, Falabella management prefers to fight against the workers and union instead of working with them to fight against Covid-19. You can support the 22 Peruvian workers by sending a message to the CEO of the company and the local management.