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Turkey: After nearly a year on the picket lines, it's time for DPDHL to negotiate with the union

In partnership with the European Transport Workers Federation, which represents more than 5 million transport workers from more than 230 transport unions and 42 European countries

After a successful organising drive at DHL Express’ Division the Turkish Motor Vehicle and Transport Workers’ Union, TÜMTIS filed for trade union recognition. According to Turkish law, as soon as this recognition is confirmed by the Ministry of Labour negotiations must start. Despite TÜMTIS organising the required number of workers under the Turkish Labour Law, DHL Express Turkey is refusing to recognise the union.

After TÜMTIS obtained trade union recognition DPDHL Express filed an objection on 8th March 2017. Objecting is a tactic used to prolong the trade union recognition process whilst increasing pressure on individual workers through targeted dismissals, intimidation, discrimination, frustrating workers' demands and suppressing the organizing drive.

TÜMTIS members have been on the picket line for more than 300 days (since 17 July 2017), protesting against DPDHL Express' denial of their right to a collective bargaining agreement.

We urge DHL Express Turkey to move swiftly to negotiations.

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