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Poland: Stop sackings and union busting at port

In partnership with the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union "Solidarnosc".

Maciek Konopka has been sacked from his job at Deepwater Container Terminal (DCT) in Gdansk. Why? Ostensibly because he's a committed and active trade union leader. It's the latest in a line of union-busting actions by management including intimidation, threats of dismissal, and nine other workers being forced to leave.

Despite the growth of the NSZZ Solidarnosc union, management has repeatedly failed to adequately address members' concerns over important issues including pay, temporary contracts, meaningful negotiation and holiday working. It also brought in a legal firm to handle negotiations with the union over a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) which has ground progress to a halt.

Management employs workers on rolling temporary employment contracts seemingly to maximise a culture of fear and job insecurity.

Please help us to tell management, board members and investors at DCT Gdansk to reinstate Maciek Konopka and that dismissals and other anti-union activity must stop. DCT needs to come to the table and negotiate directly with the union in good faith over a collective bargaining agreement that will raise standards at the terminal.

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