Serbia: Yura must stop union-busting and negotiate

In partnership with IndustriAll Europe and the Autonomous Metalworkers Trade Union of Serbia – Yura Corporation – Leskovac Chapter. IndustriAll European Trade Union is a federation of independent and democratic trade unions representing manual and non-manual workers in the metal, chemical, energy, mining, textile, clothing and footwear sectors and related industries and activities. It speaks for 7 million working men and women united within 200 national trade union affiliates in 39 European countries. The Autonomous Metalworkers Trade Union of Serbia is the biggest union of metalworkers in Serbia and part of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia, primarily unionizing the automobile industry, mining sector and defence industry in Serbia.

During the month of June 2024, the Autonomous Metalworkers Trade Union of Serbia – Yura Corporation – Leskovac Chapter led a series of warning strikes in their fight for better wages and dignified working conditions. Yura's customers include European car manufacturers such as Kia, Hyundai, Jaguar, Porsche, Audi, Mercedes etc. The triggers for the strikes were shrinking meal portions in the cafeteria and constantly worsening conditions in the factory's sanitary facilities. Additionally, the workers fought against Yura's punitive attendance bonus policy, which demands 'absolute attendance' in order to receive full wages, with one day of sick leave potentially diminishing one's wages for the next six months. During the strike, all workers faced constant intimidation and threats by the managers and team leaders. The company, contrary to Serbian law, refused to negotiate with the union. Yura is putting more and more pressure on workers to leave the union, by ostracising the workers who went on strike and dismissing a handful of workers on trumped-up charges, to serve as scapegoats. The union has lodged a formal complaint with the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA), which is responsible for the German supply chain due diligence law. IndustriAll Europe has been supporting the union and strikers in their struggle. `The union is requesting international solidarity to pressure Yura to end union-busting activities and to responsibly conclude the negotiations moderated by the Serbian labour ministry.

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